Jaime Castro cosigned petition against re-election
While in Bogotá last montlh, I saw there was much ado about the twelve petitions opposing the Constitutional amendment to suit Uribe's wish for a king's crown, and return to the glorious days of yesteryear, when divine providence betwoed absolute power to the eternal monarchy.
Jaime Castro was a guest of a very cool host whose name escapes me, who introduced Jaime as an "exminister, exdiplomat, exmajor, the only title he lacks -the host went on- is that of expresident."
Jaime is a white-haired, impeccable in dress and word, gentleman, who with candid and precise language inumerated the reason why suberting the constitution in this manner would be a disaster.
Jaime explained very similar circunstances in the past when extremely popular presidents -even more popular than Uribe is now- seeked a very similar contitutional subersion, got it, and ended up being deposed by extremists who lead the country to chaos (Rojas Pinilla, and the other circa 1906).
I was also impressed by the fact that a politician who speaks this candidly about the powers-that-be has not been put to death yet. He must be extremely well connected to be spared "La mano negra" and excluded from "La Lista".
I fell in love with this man, and hope to hear his name more often, hopefully bearing good news.